Metta Meditation Group - New Location and More
Dear Friends,
I began practicing metta (aka lovingkindness) meditation during a time of personal crisis. After experiencing a great loss, I'd struggled with intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, fear, and disassociation. With months of support from friends, sangha, and therapy, I was feeling more steady, but unable to practice Buddhist visualization techniques or even simple mindfulness of breath meditation. Then I attended a residential Metta Retreat with Sharon Salzberg and other teachers. To my great relief, after just a few days of silent lovingkindness practice, I began to discern an abiding sense of calm beneath my struggles, and by week’s end, it was clear that metta practice was a powerful tool to steady the mind and cultivate the healing strength of compassion. This is how my teaching became focused on lovingkindness practice, with the deep recognition that it can help all of us rediscover our natural wisdom and develop our unique potential to live with ourselves and each other in harmony.
News and Announcements · Visit my new website, Meditation with Heart, for updated information about private sessions, services, upcoming events, links to video and audio recordings, and writing. (With special thanks to Craig Geller Photography for the amazing photos!)
· The weekly Metta Meditation Group + Livestream, which has been meeting at the Interdependence Project since 2015, will change time and location. Beginning on June 3, it will meet every Monday night from 7-8:3pm at Love and Compassion Integrative Healing Center, 124 E. 40th Street, 12th Floor, Suite PH.
· Watch my latest video on gratitude here.
· Reply to this newsletter or follow this link for more information on one-on-one meetings.
· Listen to a recent teaching at the Rubin Museum here.
I’m so grateful to all of you who’ve been supporting my efforts, and hope you’ll consider taking a moment to like, share, and subscribe, as appropriate! Many thanks for your good hearts and wisdom _/\_.
May all beings be happy and safe. May our work together flourish.